California Prop 33 – Prohibit State Limitations on Local Rent Control Initiative

WhatRepeals Costa-Hawkins, a law which placed restrictions on rent control laws, so units built after 1995 could not be put under rent control.
WhenElection Day, Nov. 5, 2025 (get a reminder)
WhoHousing nonprofits, unions, progressives.
WhereThe initiative affects the state of California.
WhyRepealing Costa-Hawkins will make passing a local rent control law easier.

Key Facts

  • Today, if we pushed for a rent control law in Rosemead, the law wouldn’t cover any apartments built after 1995.
  • Proposition 33 would eliminate this restriction, so the law could cover all apartments.
  • To pass a rent control law, we need a tenant organization that can put pressure on the city council. That’s the Rosemead Tenant Union. Join the RTU.

Study Links

Yes on 33


From the Yes on 33 site:

What is Prop 33?

Prop 33 states: “The state may not limit the right of any city, county, or city and county to maintain, enact or expand residential rent control.

What Will Prop 33 Do?

– Removes CA ban on Rent Control

– Allows cities and counties to expand Rent Control.

– Allows local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair and unaffordable rents

Who Supports Prop 33?

Pro-renter, Social Justice, Veterans, Senior Groups and Labor Unions support Prop 33.